Conference Schedule
In case you forgot (ha! ha!), there will be no class today. Instead, I'll be meeting with you individually at the following times:
Thurs 4/27
12-12:20 Allison
12:30-1 April D.
1-1:30 Jessica
1:30-2 Kristi
3-3:30 Amy
3:30-4 Genieva
Friday 4/28
1-1:30 Mark
Monday 5/1
1-1:30 April N.
1:30-2 (open)
2-2:30 Eric
Tuesday 5/2
2-2:30 Kiah
2:30-3 Erin
3-3:30 Olga
By the way, if you turned in a revised draft of a previous paper for re-grading, you can come pick it up during these times. In some cases, I've been holding drafts for a couple weeks (Kristi).