Reading Response #6
1. Read the two items in the packet:
Gingrich's GOPAC Memo, "language: A Key Mechanism of Control"
Luntz Research, "A New American Lexicon" (untitled in the packet, available in various formats
2. Complete the following based on the readings:
1. Find an image online that illustrates Luntz's point about the use of symbolic imagery. It can be a newswire photo, one taken from an official government website, or one posted on a campaign website. Link to it.
2. Find a piece of text (from a speech, an interview, an editorial) that "works" according to Luntz's principles for effective political communication. Explain why and how it works.
3. Find an example of someone using terms found in "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" to describe an opponent. Provide a brief excerpt and a link.
3. Post your answers in the comments section of this blog post. You don't need a blogger account to post. Just click on the "comments" link, paste your answers and links in the available space, and log on anonymously. Make sure, though, to add your name somewhere to the post.