Brian Condrey's Spring 2006 RHE 309s Course
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
  Reading Response #6
1. Read the two items in the packet:
Gingrich's GOPAC Memo, "language: A Key Mechanism of Control"
Luntz Research, "A New American Lexicon" (untitled in the packet, available in various formats here)

2. Complete the following based on the readings:
1. Find an image online that illustrates Luntz's point about the use of symbolic imagery. It can be a newswire photo, one taken from an official government website, or one posted on a campaign website. Link to it.
2. Find a piece of text (from a speech, an interview, an editorial) that "works" according to Luntz's principles for effective political communication. Explain why and how it works.
3. Find an example of someone using terms found in "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" to describe an opponent. Provide a brief excerpt and a link.

3. Post your answers in the comments section of this blog post. You don't need a blogger account to post. Just click on the "comments" link, paste your answers and links in the available space, and log on anonymously. Make sure, though, to add your name somewhere to the post.
Yes. Post them here. With links...example:
The following example is not as direct as the Statue of Liberty or the eagle, but has powerful symbolism for the person wearing it. Presidents always wear a blue or red tie when addressing the American people for an important event, (i.e.: State of the Union, impt. press conference, etc.) Here are a couple of photos on the same website that shows President Bill Clinton wearing both colors:

I read and found words that Luntz found important to use to captivate the minds of Americans in the State of the Union of 2006. The words democracy, justice, equality, opportunity, security, fairness, freedom, hope, responsible, values, and safe were the words that Luntz recommends using. I found that these words were used over 77 times in his speech. I found that these words were more dense when talking about security and the war. These words work because it comforts Americans and leads them to trust the government more.

"The fact is not one Democrat took money from Jack Abramoff. The American people deserve better than corrupt politicians rewarding their corrupt lobbyist friends. Democrats are committed to cleaning up Washington."(quoted from the DNC)

--Mark Arnold--
1. On Senator Barack Obama’s website beside his photo is a picture of a bridge, a picture of a statue of Abraham Lincoln, a picture of a rural farmhouse, and then a picture of large city. I believe with this use of these images Obama is trying to convey that he can “bridge together” rural and city interests with great leadership that we have seen in the past.

2. In one speech of Obama’s, he is speaking to the National Women’s Law Center, and he says something about how when he thought of women’s progress he didn’t think of the legal cases or legislation- he thought of his daughters. In this speech, Obama addresses values speaking of his daughters and women’s opportunities. This tactic works because he was addressing his values, his daughters, opportunities for his daughters, and he was thanking these women for allowing his daughters to have these opportunities and to have the ability to change the status quo because of their efforts. It related back to them, not just in a simple thank you, but thank you for helping my family, which is much more powerful.

3. "Just because the president says it can't be done, that you'd lose China, doesn't mean it can't be done," Kerry said. "I mean, this is the president who said 'There were weapons of mass destruction,' said 'Mission accomplished,' said we could fight the war on the cheap -- none of which were true."

Mira Patel
Jessica Dobias

1. The first image on her website is that of her in front of the State Capital and a Texas Flag. Obviously this demonstrates Luntz's point on the use of symbolic imagery.

2. "In this conflict, America faces an enemy who has no regard for conventions of war or rules of morality. Saddam Hussein has placed Iraqi troops and equipment in civilian areas, attempting to use innocent men, women and children as shields for his own military -- a final atrocity against his people" -- President Bush Addresses the Nation in March 2003.
This except demonstrates Bush's effectiveness in portraying an evil enemy who is unconcerned with human life. He is playing off of American's worst fears. As Luntz's states, Bush is able to maintain his voter popularity with young women voters, because he provided them with the image of security. The depiction above, presents fear, but is later followed by the image of strength and security. “We will defend our freedom. We will bring freedom to others and we will prevail.”

3. “George Bush has failed to learn this lesson. And he has failed in his fundamental obligation as Commander-in-Chief to make America as safe and secure as we should be.” “My opponent is offering four more years of the same failed policies and failed judgments.” Kerry plays on the word “fail” in both of these excerpts. He is playing off the the idea that Bush is a failure and therefore, unable and unfit to be president.
Amy Neyhard:

This image is from when George W. Bush spoke after 9/11 with the firefighters and stood on top of rumble. The use of symbbolic imagery in this picture made one think that justice was going to be served.

2. In Richard Nixon's acceptance speech of the Republican Party Nomination of President, August 8, 1968, he is quoted saying, "We're going to win for a number of reasons. First a personal one.
General Eisenhower, as you know, lies critically ill in the Walter Reed Hospital tonight. I have talked, however, with Mrs. Eisenhower on the telephone.
She tells me that his heart is with us. She says that there is nothing that he lives more for, and there is nothing that would lift him more than for us to win in November.
And I say let's win this one for Ike.
We're going to win because this great". This I feel is a good example of effective political communication because he put an emotional appeal in the first part of his speech.

3. ANNOUNCER: As Governor Michael Dukakis vetoed mandatory sentences for drug dealers he vetoed the death penalty. His revolving door prison policy gave weekend furloughs to first degree murderers not eligible for parole. While out, many committed other crimes like kidnapping and rape, and many are still at large. Now Michael Dukakis says he wants to do for America what he's done for Massachusetts. America can't afford that risk.
This is from the 1988 election year Bush vs. Dukakis. Bush's ad (Revolving Door) consentraits on criminal rights.
Allison Monteith
1. This link will take you to a picture of George and Barbara Bush at Reliant Stadium in Houston following Hurricane Katrina. It's no coincidence that this picture appears during their son's presidency and through all the bad press George W is receiving concerning his handling the New Orleans situation.
2. quote..."America holds these values because of ideals long held on this continent. We proudly stand in the tradition of the Magna Carta, the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and the North Atlantic Treaty. The signers of that Treaty pledged "To safeguard the freedom, common heritage, and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law." In this new century, the United States and Europe reaffirm that commitment, and renew our great alliance of freedom.

This WORKS because it addresses democracy and freedom. Luntz states in his second point that we should "get back to the fundamentals of America: DEMOCRACY and JUSTICE. By taking us back to the Magna Carta and the Declaration of the Rights of man and the original treatise on which this country was based, Americans are reminded of our original ideals.
Taken from, a speech George W gave concerning America and European alliances.

3. quote..."Earlier today, Senator Kerry called with his congratulations," Bush said. "We had a really good phone call. He was very gracious. Senator Kerry waged a spirited campaign, and he and his supporters can be proud of their efforts."
On his winning the presidential election, Bush described Kerry with words such as "gracious", he "waged a spirited campaign",and can be "proud". By conceding, in a way, to his former opponent, Bush appears stronger himself. These words, though meant to describe Kerry, ironincally help people to see BUSH in a better light.
Kiah Collier

1) Image Link:

This is the official Tom Delay website. The homepage includes a picture of Delay looking "over the shoulder of a student at Wharton County Junior College." This picture is an image symbolic of Delay's support and interest in education. (haha)

2)"This grandma isn't looking for a future in politics. I'm looking for a future for Texas-for our kids, our most precious resource.

The future I want for my granddaughters is the future I want for all Texas children and grandchildren."
-Carole Keeton Strayhorn

In this speech, Carole Keeton Strayhorn lays out her plan for the future of Texas. Here, she makes a personal appeal and establishes credibility. In talking about her granddaughters and establishing herself as "the grandma," Strayhorn suggests that she will have a vested interest in education, which she implies is a vested interest for everyone.

3) "The history of our nation is clear: At every turn when there has been an imbalance of power, the truth questioned, or our beliefs and values distorted, the change required to restore our nation has always come from the bottom up from our people.

And so, while the President raises $4 million more tonight to maintain his agenda, we will not be silent.

He calls his biggest fundraisers Rangers and Pioneers.

But today, we stand together with thousands in Burlington, Vermont and tens of thousands more, standing with us right now in every state in this nation. And we call ourselves, simply, Americans.

And we stand today in common purpose to take our country back."

-Howard Dean

Though these are typical American symbols, Hilary Clinton has a picture of the statue of liberty's torch and the white house on her website. These represent the ideals of America.

2. In an address to a joint seesion of Congress and to the American people, president Bush declares, "Tonight we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done."

Here, Bush's credibility is seen again, and prevents America from panic. Although our country was in danger, Bush asserts that justice will be done. He uses the fundamental principle of justice to explain the situation to the people, as well as reassure Americans of their safety.

3. In a Bush-Kerry debate during presidential elections, Kerry remarks, "I believe that this president, regrettably, rushed us into a war, made decisions about foreign policy, pushed alliances away. And, as a result, America is now bearing this extraordinary burden where we are not as safe as we ought to be". Kerry refers to President Bush as "this president", identifying him as his opponent. He uses words like "us" and "we" to bring the community together and create a more positive feeling to his position.
Image link:

The image is of Hillary Clinton making a speech, and demonstrates the use of images to strengthen her message. The vibrant red color and the word "empower" on the background is quite intense itself.

2)"...We deeply care about every human life. The life of a child in Baghdad is precious. And so when we see these killers kill somebody -- a young child outside a hospital where one of our soldiers is handing out candy, we weep, because Americans have a deep compassion for every human being. And the only weapon they have is to cause us to weep and lose our nerve.'s something I truly believe, they don't understand the nature of America. We love our freedom, and we will do everything in our power to defend our freedom."

In Bush's speech about his 2006 Agenda, he uses one of Luntz's contextual keys, "opportunity of ownership", to emphasize a person's right to life. He reminds Americans the importance of freedom and that "murderers" are endangering this precious right. To strengthen his argument, he includes an image of a young child in Baghdad to invoke our empathy.

"This is about the broader pattern of incompetence and negligence that Katrina exposed, and beyond that, a truly systemic effort to distort and disable the people's government, and devote it to the interests of the privileged and the powerful. It is about the betrayal of trust and abuse of power."

John Kerry, Bush's opponent in the Presidential election, is discussing the corruptness of the Bush admistration, specifically in response to Hurricane Katrina. He describes the admistration as one that "betrays the trust" of the American people, and "abuses its power" by referring to it as "incompetent" and "negligent". Luntz identifies these negative words as effective tools in attacking opponents.

-- april dominick

It is a picture of a senator holding a baby sitting next to Santa Claus. The baby is wearing a Santa suit, the senator is not.

2. "I think it's really important for this great state of baseball to reach out to people of all walks of life to make sure that the sport is inclusive. The best way to do it is to convince little kids how to—the beauty of playing baseball."—Washington, D.C., Feb. 13, 2006
This text was spoken by President Bush. It works because everyone loves hearing about how the president wants to take care of small children. The way he references the sport makes it sound like it could save a life and gives people the illusion all kids can live the American dream by participating.

3. "With those who wish to think amiss of me, I have learned to be perfectly indifferent; but where I know a mind to be ingenuous, and to need only truth to set it to rights, I cannot be as passive." --Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 1804.

-Erin Ruthe
Of course, there is the whole emblem representing the U.S. and whatnot in the background. There’s also the blue tie…I think that it’s that to convey being down to earth or relaxed/calm or something to that extent.

2. “We are not, as some would have us believe, loomed to an inevitable decline. I do not believe in a fate that will all on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal. Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. And let us renew; our faith and our hope….
You meet heroes across a counter--and they are on both sides of that counter. There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth and opportunity. They are individuals and families whose taxes support the Government and whose voluntary gifts support church, charity, culture, art, and education. Their patriotism is quiet but deep. Their values sustain our national life….”
-Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address

This “works” as he speaks of good old values. He really draws on the true, All-American family and their hard-working nature. He also talks somewhat about the “future” when he speaks of beginning an era of national renewal, making it known that he wants to do something to improve the U.S.

"I've led our country with principle and resolve and that's how I'll lead our nation for four more years,"
-George W. Bush

That works because he’s talking about the future and what he HAS done and claims that he will CONTINUE to do for the people.

3.” This is about the broader pattern of incompetence and negligence that Katrina exposed, and beyond that, a truly systemic effort to distort and disable the people's government, and devote it to the interests of the privileged and the powerful. It is about the betrayal of trust and abuse of power. And in all the often horrible and sometimes ennobling sights and sounds we've all witnessed over the last two weeks, there's another sound just under the surface: the steady clucking of Administration chickens coming home to roost<….>And the rush now to camouflage their misjudgments and inaction with money doesn’t mean they are suddenly listening. It's still politics as usual. The plan they’re designing for the Gulf Coast turns the region into a vast laboratory for right wing ideological experiments. They’re already talking about private school vouchers, abandonment of environmental regulations, abolition of wage standards, subsidies for big industries - and believe it or not yet another big round of tax cuts for the wealthiest among us!”
Of course, there is the whole emblem representing the U.S. and whatnot in the background. There’s also the blue tie…I think that it’s that to convey being down to earth or relaxed/calm or something to that extent.

2. “We are not, as some would have us believe, loomed to an inevitable decline. I do not believe in a fate that will all on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal. Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. And let us renew; our faith and our hope….
You meet heroes across a counter--and they are on both sides of that counter. There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth and opportunity. They are individuals and families whose taxes support the Government and whose voluntary gifts support church, charity, culture, art, and education. Their patriotism is quiet but deep. Their values sustain our national life….”
-Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address

This “works” as he speaks of good old values. He really draws on the true, All-American family and their hard-working nature. He also talks somewhat about the “future” when he speaks of beginning an era of national renewal, making it known that he wants to do something to improve the U.S.

"I've led our country with principle and resolve and that's how I'll lead our nation for four more years," Bush said

That works because he’s talking about the future and what he HAS done and claims that he will CONTINUE to do for the people.

3.” This is about the broader pattern of incompetence and negligence that Katrina exposed, and beyond that, a truly systemic effort to distort and disable the people's government, and devote it to the interests of the privileged and the powerful. It is about the betrayal of trust and abuse of power. And in all the often horrible and sometimes ennobling sights and sounds we've all witnessed over the last two weeks, there's another sound just under the surface: the steady clucking of Administration chickens coming home to roost<….>And the rush now to camouflage their misjudgments and inaction with money doesn’t mean they are suddenly listening. It's still politics as usual. The plan they’re designing for the Gulf Coast turns the region into a vast laboratory for right wing ideological experiments. They’re already talking about private school vouchers, abandonment of environmental regulations, abolition of wage standards, subsidies for big industries - and believe it or not yet another big round of tax cuts for the wealthiest among us!”

*SORRY forgot to put my name*
~April N.
WOW..i TOTALLY did not realize the other April used that! i didnt even read the other that ok?
i posted the site on social security issues, it's obscure but there is a bald eagle in there, the angle of the shot makes him look powerful, which can be a turn on and off for most people when it comes to social security, and the background with the slogans, "keeping our promise to seniors" makes the scene more american b/c we associate america with that card and a government that hopefully does keep its promises, we also value old people and tradition
genieva thel croley
The obvious: Tax Relief and fair and reform
this ad also bides by the ten contextual keys by not being against a certain issue, but does give the down fall if we were not to employ this certain policy, and he talks about the economic and society growth, and fairness
genieva thel croley
1. Picture of Bush working at his desk in the oval office.

2. "Restoring the American Dream -- Combating Poverty and Building One America" By John Edwards

Center for American Progress
September 19, 2005
To read the entire speech please click here.
We have all seen the images from the wreckage of Katrina - people packed into the Superdome and convention center with only the clothes on their backs. And we've all asked what brought them there. Many things did, but one of them was poverty. But today we have a historic opportunity. We do not have to live in an America that accepts poverty as a fact of life or chooses to ignore it. The Superdome made those people impossible to ignore. People understand they have to work hard and take responsibility for themselves. But they also know there's more to America than that. This Administration may think every American is an island. But Americans know that Katrina's victims shouldn't have been out there on their own, and that no American should be out there on their own. That's why even when our government failed to respond to Katrina, American citizens stepped up in an extraordinary way. We know that it matters how we as a nation meet our responsibilities. It defines us as a nation. Throughout our history, people around the world have been drawn to America for what we stand for: that we are all created equal, and that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The government's response to Katrina undermined those ideals. One foreign magazine called it "The Shaming of America." It has been our shame.
I want the world to see a different America - an America that is working every day to live up to what was written - I want them to see the one America that we all believe in.
This speech by John Edwards demonstrates what works according to Luntz. He said that Americans understand the values of hard work and responsibility. He also mentions the Declaration of Independence showing patriotism and faith in America even though the response to Katrina showed to the world that we didn’t care about our poor communities.

3. The other people that are creating the mayhem in the streets of Baghdad are people who are fighting for their country. They are local people who disagree with the occupation. Look, I make no excuse for terrorism. People who blow up women and children ought to have the full wrath of the United States down upon them. What I have a problem with is the bad judgment of this president and his administration in deciding how you can best fight terrorism. You send troops over there. They don't have adequate body armor. They're still taking up collections to make sure they do have body armor. When the secretary of defense goes over there, he gets his Humvee flown in, and the guys over there don't have adequate protection on the bottom of their Humvees. This is not the way to run a war, and it's not the way to treat our soldiers.- Howard Dean
Michelle Garces
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